乌鲁木齐孩子生日派对游戏:袋鼠跳/ Sack Race
You can buy sacks made fot this game,but we just used old pillow cases. Have players slip both legs into a pillow case and jump toward the finish line for victory.
乌鲁木齐孩子生日派对游戏:甩乒乓/ Junk In The Trunk
Shake, shimmy, jump, and dance around until all of the balls have fallen out of the tissue box. No using your hands and no laying down! This game is hysterical to watch in action!
乌鲁木齐孩子生日派对游戏:呼啦圈接力/Hula Hoop Relay
Divide group into two teams. Each team join hands to form a circle. Loop a hula hoop over one player‘s arm. Without letting go of the other player’s hands, he must step into and through the hoop so it rests on his other arm. Then he can slide it onto the next player‘s arm and she must repeat the same maneuver. Whichever team can pass the hoop all the way around the circle first, without letting go of each others’ hands, is the winner.